The Best Book Around

Jeremiah 6:8
Take warning, O Jerusalem, or I will turn away from you
and make your land desolate so no one can live in it. NIV

As I read this, the two words “take warning” stopped me.

It is the whole purpose for reading the bible.

We are to take warning of the consequences of sin, we are to take note of God’s perfect and pleasing path that He has set out for us.

The Amplified Bible says it this way,

Jeremiah 6:8
Be corrected, reformed, instructed, and warned, O Jerusalem,
lest I be alienated and parted from you, lest I make you a desolation, an uninhabited land. AMP

For whenever I feel separated or parted from God, I need to get into his Word. For whenever I feel like I need more in life, or that I’m missing God, then I need to get into his Word.

I need to study his good, old way and let it correct, change, reform, instruct, help, challenge and love me.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. NIV

Each word of the Bible is God-breathed, it has His Spirit flowing through it, therefore we can expect God to reveal himself to us each time we journey into the Bible. God will show himself as our Father, our Teacher, our Comforter.

Also, if each Word of God is God-breathed then we can expect to find God in it, that is, we can expect to find God’s peace when we are troubled, God’s joy when we are downhearted, God’s love when we feel condemned and God’s salvation when we are being persecuted.

This passage from 2 Timothy finishes by saying we may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

There is a direct link between reading God’s Word, and then living out God’s Word, otherwise it is like looking in a mirror and then immediately forgetting what we look like.

If we are to be believers in God we must run to his Word.

If we are to be disciples of God we must live out his Word.

Stay Strong.


  1. Rell Reynolds said,

    October 18, 2009 at 9:34 am

    Great blog Jase,
    a truly great read and excellent start to my quiet time this morning.

    The words “take warning” stopped me as well. You can’t get much clearer than that hey?!
    Sometimes we fall into a lazy rut and simply read a quick passage and run out the door without fully realising the words God has spoken.

    But you’re right, we should take warning, be corrected and instructed, so it sinks in and we can then truly live out His word.

    I feel encouraged to pray more for God’s peace, joy and direction in my life.

    Thanx Jase,

    love mum

  2. Olivia said,

    October 19, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    WOW – thats so great! I love how direct and to the point it is! Also, good use of the different bible translations!
    I love the focus on living it out – thats so key and its great to be reminded of it!
    Blaction is awesome fun!!!
    good job.

  3. gillian said,

    October 20, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    Yo fellow blogster!
    What a brilliant first entry! Can’t wait to read more!
    I love what you said about how if the bible’s God-breathed, then we can expect to find God in it.
    You’re a legend! Keep writing!

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